Monday, November 12, 2007

Literary Analysis- Chapter 2-3


In the next two chapters the plot continues as Paul’ past is described as well as the conflicts that brought his friends together to form a bond unbreakable except by death. Not only that, but Paul describes Kat and how he helps them get through the times of war.

Journal Entry

As I look back to reflect on my past life, for that is what it is; a past life, I think of how we have changed, not only how we act but also how we think. Every thing before is a blur, we cannot remember the way we used to live, for there is only the way of war to us now. When we do look back to the past I think it scares us for we realize that we are stranded; cast off from society, so we don’t think about it much. Kat and I have discussed it a little but not very much. He shares the same opinion about war that I do, the only thing is, is that it is still not very clear.

Vocab words-

--“Iron Youth”- the youth that went to war in WWI with no ties to the past and became hardened, cast out from society due to their experiences in the war.
-“for all of us whom Kantorek calls the “Iron Youth” (Remarque 19)
--Schopenhauer- German philosopher who believed that the will is the fundamental reality to which all knowledge and reason are subject, that following its dictates leads to illusion and suffering, and that the goal of the good life is its extinction.
-“we learned that a bright button is weightier than four volumes of Schopenhauer” (Remarque 21)
--haricot beans- a French variety of green bean plant bearing light-colored beans
-“but what do you say to haricot beans?” (Remarque 36)
--cobbler- a person that who mends shoes
-“by trade he is a cobbler” (Remarque 37)

Political Cartoon

Propaganda is used to bolster the spirits of citizens during war by exaggerating their winning streak. This cartoon depicts a British army hand smashing into the face of another man. This cartoon was used in 1916 to raise the moral of the allies (Britain at that time) in the fact that it was said that the British were winning the war against the Germans. (not true)


It was in these two chapters that I discovered the importance to have true friends and that in war, you have to have them to survive. Also since war took away all ties to your past life it was much easier to develop those bonds.

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